About us

This website has been created as a result of feedback received from members of the public, through connectivity forums.

Feedback received highlighted that customers were unaware of the various transport options available to them and where to get this information.  The website has been designed as a one stop hub for all the transport information you may need you need to make your journey by public transport as smooth as possible. Included within the site there are various sections including Bus & Rail operators, Park and Ride sites and the innovative interactive mapping system.

Fife Council were successful in obtaining funds from Smarter Choices, Smarter Places (SCSP). The Smarter Choices, Smarter Places (SCSP) Programme is Paths for All’s grant scheme to support behaviour change initiatives to increase active and sustainable travel. The programme is funded through Transport Scotland (Sustainable Transport team) and aims to make walking and cycling a mode of choice for short local journeys in our towns, cities and villages. It also encourages other forms of sustainable choices such as public transport use and car share. This will help to cut Scotland’s carbon emissions and improve our air quality. It will help reverse the trend towards sedentary lifestyles and will tackle health inequalities.

We’d love to hear from you if you have any comments or suggestions on how we could improve this site. Just send us an email on travel.fife@fife.gov.uk